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Botox, Facial Fillers, and Injectables


PRF produces Platelet-Rich Fibrin from your own whole blood sample. PRF is a second-generation concentrate, 100% natural, free of any additives or chemicals and packed with powerful cells for skin rejuvenation. It uses the latest technology to maximize natural body response without damaging its environment. The result with PRF is a concentrate that is richer in platelets and longer-lasting growth factors for maximum stimulation and best results!

PRF Gel or EZGEL is a 100% natural, regenerative and volumizing filler offering infinite new possibilities in the use of Autogous blood concentrates. Using the body’s own powerful proteins, instead of relying on trending artificial chemical components, EZGEL is the prime treatment for skin rejuvenation and volumization.

EZGEL treats volume enhancement and symmetry adjustment, rejuvenates the skin, stimulates collagen production, reduces signs of aging (wrinkles, fine lines, & loose skin), reduces acne scars. EZGEL can easily be incorporated in combination therapies for maximum results and treatment plan options (microneedling, PDO Threads, lasers, fillers, and neurotoxins).

EZGEL is obtained by mixing the growth factors of liquid EZPRF and the albumin of Plasma. This is achieved by the centrifugation and heating process of a whole blood sample without chemicals or modifications. EZGEL provides innovative, flexible consistency allowing the gel’s viscosity to adapt to the various areas of treatment.
What areas can be treated?

Tear Troughs, Midface, Nasolabial Folds and Marionette Lines as well as hair restoration!

Skin Rejuvenation and Volume correction areas need a series of 3 sessions, 4-6 weeks apart.

Hair restoration repeat every month for a series of 3-5 sessions.

How does EZGEL stimulate rejuvenation and volumization?

EZGEL is 100% autologous and natural. It is the combination of Seroalbumin and Growth Factors. The miraculous human body naturally produces certain proteins and growth factors to heal itself when necessary. EZGEL uses this exact material,
found in our own blood, to produce a unique concentration of volumizing proteins and growth factors, naturally stimulating and maximizing the regenerative process of diverse cell types and tissues, resulting in incredible outcomes in terms of skin rejuvenation and volumization. The extended release of growth factors and biostimulation make EZGEL the most organic, voluminous, beautification filler.

How long does the procedure take?

The protocol for the preparation of EZGEL, takes between 17-20 minutes. The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the combination of treatments a practitioner uses.

Is EZGEL for everyone?

Yes! EZGEL is well tolerated by most patients. As its source is 100% natural and free of all chemicals, it’s safest gel on the market. EZGEL’s versatility makes it easy to incorporate in a natural rejuvenation treatment plan fully customizable by you.

What is the difference between PRF and PRF Gel?

PRF Gel is more like a “filler” consistency gel.

What is the difference between PRP and PRF?

– Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a 100% natural and autologous solution created using a slow centrifuge concept.
– ezPRF preserves the vitality of cells that are undamaged due to a moderate G-Force applied, allowing considerably more
White Blood Cells (WBCs) and even Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) to be obtained, maximizing growth factor
– This second-generation concentrate doesn’t require the use of any additive nor anti-coagulant to unlock our bodies’
natural healing properties. It uses the latest technologies to maximize natural body response without damaging its
environment. The results? A concentrate that is richer in platelets and longer-lasting growth factors for maximum
stimulation and best results!

Hands after one PRF EZGEL treatment.

Hands after one PRF EZGEL treatment.

Available at our Integrative Medicine location.