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Sexual Health Services


Whether it’s a result of age, child birth or simply a cosmetic insecurity, women are regularly asking about treatments to address urinary incontinence and other intimacy concerns.



Emsella is an FDA approved device that uses high intensity focused electromagnetic energy to treat urinary incontinence for both men and women.


Peptide PT-141/Sexual Stimulator

PT-141 is a new innovative peptide hormone treatment that is FDA approved and works for both men and women to improve sexual function. This effective and efficient treatment works for both erectile dysfunction and increased libido in men and improves female sexual arousal disorder in women. PT-141 works directly through the nervous system to increase arousal, desire and satisfaction with sex. This peptide gives you the desire and motivation along with the ability to increase blood flow to the penis or vagina and clitoris, returning the intimacy and passion to your relationship. PT-141 addresses those issues to help sexual difficulties.

To learn more about about this treatment, schedule a Wellness Consultation with us at our Integrative Medicine location.

Sexual Wellness Shot

Let’s discuss your symptoms to discover what is causing your sexual dysfunction. Our practitioner will tailor a treatment plan based on your specific needs utilizing a wide range of resources including, prescription medications, in-depth lab panels and early detection of disease.

To learn more about about this treatment, schedule a Wellness Consultation with us at our Integrative Medicine location.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Enjoy Life Like You Used To! 

Over time, women lose vaginal tone as a side effect of natural childbirth and aging. Painful intercourse, itching or burning can also occur as we age. Some women also experience the loss of vaginal lubrication as a result of reduced estrogen levels.

With Emfemme 360 our Integrative Medicine location, we can treat these symptoms. 


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