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Using Botox to Treat Hyperhidrosis

If you live with hyperhidrosis, you know that it can be an embarrassing and unwanted disruption to your daily life. Emerge Medical & Well Spa in Tulsa is here today to tell you that we have a solution for your hyperhidrosis: BOTOXⓇ! Not only can this treatment help reduce wrinkles, but it has been proven as an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis.


Hyperhidrosis refers to excessive or uncontrollable sweating on the hands, armpits, feet, or face. Hyperhidrosis may not always be related to heat or exercise, and often results in so much sweat that it soaks through clothes or drips.


BOTOXⓇ is a safe and effective injection commonly used as a cosmetic treatment to smooth wrinkles on the face. A BOTOXⓇ injection is made of a safe toxin that temporarily paralyzes the muscle at the injection site, and has been known to treat symptoms of hyperhidrosis, overactive bladders, neck spasms, and lazy eyes.

Benefits of Using BOTOXⓇ for Hyperhidrosis

When it comes to hyperhidrosis, BOTOXⓇ offers an extremely safe and effective off-label solution to prescription antiperspirants. If you find that your prescription antiperspirants are failing to work, you may be the perfect candidate for this treatment. Here are some of the benefits:

Improved Quality of Life

With a safe and effective treatment like BOTOXⓇ, you can expect to see results that leave you feeling satisfied and positive about your hyperhidrosis. Patients often see improvement in their ability to perform work activities, a decline in emotional damage due to hyperhidrosis, and significantly fewer limitations in social interactions and situations.

Little Down Time

A great benefit of BOTOXⓇ treatment is that you can resume your normal activities right after treatment with minimal discomfort or soreness!

Long-Term Effects

While the effects of BOTOXⓇ injections are temporary, results can last for anywhere from three to six months! And BOTOXⓇ treatments are safe enough that you can follow up on your treatment when it wears off.

Extremely Safe

The professional medical spa staff at Emerge Medical & Well Spa are highly trained to use the most effective and advanced treatment methods. And don’t let the word “toxin” scare you, because BOTOXⓇ only uses a small amount that is perfectly safe when used by our trained staff.

As with any injection or drug, BOTOXⓇ comes with some minor risks like headaches and pain at the injection site. But treatment is tolerated well in an extremely high number of patients, and only a small number of patients see these side effects.

Related Post: When I First Tried Botox

BOTOXⓇ, Fillers & Injectables at Emerge Medical & Well Spa

If you’re looking for a BOTOXⓇ treatment for your hyperhidrosis or smooth your wrinkles, Emerge Medical & Well Spa in Tulsa offers a comfortable and relaxing environment with professionally trained staff to guide you through. Check out our endless list of treatments that offer a refreshing blend of medical and spa techniques here, or call our medical spa location at 918-392-8606 for more information or to make an appointment today!